3 Advantages of Security Screens for Homeowners

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Modern security screens look rather attractive and won't make your home look as though it is a bank vault that is just waiting to be broken into by determined criminals. If you are considering the merits of security screens for your home, then read on to find out more about what makes them so popular.

1. Open Your Windows Without Worry

Security screens allow you to have your windows open without being unduly concerned about somebody potentially getting in. Even if you have lockable windows which you can keep on the latch, the amount of aeration you receive can often be minimal. On the other hand, security screens will prevent unwarranted access to your property while allowing you to have your windows fully open. As such, you can keep your home feeling cooler in the summer.

They can also help to prevent the build-up of moisture in the winter, which is something that can create mildew in your home that can impact people with respiratory problems. In this sense, security screens can often have a health benefit by keeping your home feeling airier.

2. Feel More Safe and Secure at Home

One of the great things about any security measure, such as fitting screens over your windows, is that it makes you feel more assured. When you are talking about your home, the importance of feeling secure in it can never be underestimated. This is certainly the case if you live in a bungalow, for example, because your bedroom window will be on the ground floor. Simply knowing that a screen is over such a potential access point will help you to sleep better at night. Again, this is a health benefit because it will impact positively on your mental well-being and peace of mind.

3. Reduce Your Annual Home Insurance Costs

The installation of a security screen or two around your home will mean there is some initial outlay. However, like any security measure, if a screen were to prevent a burglary, then it will have paid for itself. Of course, this is a difficult thing to judge because you'll never know if it achieved its deterrent effect. However, insurance firms certainly know about this benefit because they will often reduce your insurance premiums once you inform them that you have had them fitted in your home.

These are just a few reasons why it can be ideal to install security screens. Contact local contractors to learn more. 
