The Do's and Don'ts of House Window Tinting

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When the full heat of Australian summer hits with force, many Australians take a closer look at their homes to try and reduce the impact this heat has on the rising electricity bill. One alteration you can make to your home is to add window tinting to your windows because they can reduce the amount of sunlight and heat entering your rooms. The less heat entering your home, the easier it is for your air conditioner to keep your house cool. However, before you rush into window tinting, consider these do's and don'ts so you do end up with a perfect tint job.

Do Ask About Types of Tint

Not all tints are created equal, so have a chat with your window tint consultant about which tint best suits your home needs. Factors to consider include:

It is not necessary to choose one type of tint and try to make it fit with the whole house. Instead, consider the different tint choices and choose based on per room needs rather than the entire house need.

Don't Do It Yourself

As tempting as it is to save money by applying window tint yourself, this is not advised unless you have plenty of experience at this task. This is because the result can look ugly as the tint film may bubble and tear when being applied to windows. Therefore, it is recommended that an experienced professional do the application. An unprofessional job can impact on the value of your home as bubbled tint windows lower the curbside appeal of your home.

Do Consider Maintenance Requirements

Another point to consider before you choose your window tint is what type of maintenance each type of tint requires. For example, if you are a homeowner who likes to high-pressure wash your home each spring, you need to ask what impact this has on the window tint over time. Talk to the consultant about how the window tint is maintained so that you are sure it fits with your lifestyle.

Know that you know a little bit more about window tinting, make an appointment to discuss your needs with a window tint specialist. The faster that you have a window tint applied to your home, the quicker you'll see a reduction in the hard work your air conditioner has to do to keep you cool.
